
vendredi 5 juillet 2019

Agile games marketing [jui 2019]

As a result of a Provoke Trigger Event action [1], Do-Khac Decision has revamped a seminar on agile marketing [2] into an Enterprise Adventure Game.

An Enterprise Adventure Game [3] is a simulated enterprise journey which is monitored by a game monitoring team (faculty professors, experienced coaches and seasoned managers).

In Agile marketing - The Game Part 1, the simulated enterprise journey is about a pivot from IT management consulting to Agile games delivering [4].

The journey is structured by 5 stages
  • Stage 1 : 2016, business background (market, players,...) 
  • Stage 2 : Nov. 2017, getting aware of a pivot opportunity
  • Stage 3 : 2018, building the pivot
  • Stage 4 : Feb. 2019, proof of pivot done
  • Stage 5 : beyond 2019.

Each stage is paced with game events that bring specific opportunities to get experience of Agile marketing practices and tools.

Upon a game event, participants take experience of business tools such as the design canvas Business Model Pavement for Digital [5] by producing deliverables with the tools.

They might experience the Trigger Event Model, a tool that link marketing and innovation [6].

The use of Agile games [7] ensures that the experience is both instructive and fun.

The participants break into teams that simulate different enterprises.
Each team gets a coach to ensure that it makes good progress and is not left behind.

The passage from a stage to the next occurs when all teams have passed the key games events and made/collected the key deliverables.
Additional game event might be casted in by the game monitoring team, making the experience more instructive and fun.

The heutagogic* approach is leveraged by
  • authentic materials exerpted from real journeys of enterprises whithin their ecosystems (clients, suppliers, competitors,...) ; a fantastic exploration tool would be Google Images [8]
  • state-of-the-art physical and digital workplace [9].

*self determined learning

[1] Provoke Trigger Event method : study case N°2, Gouvernance numérique d'entreprise, 7 July 2019
[2] Agile marketing seminar, Do-Khac Decision, 15 February 2019
[3a] Definition : Enterprise Adventure Game, in five intrinsic characteristics, L'entreprise numérique créative, 31 may 2019
[3b]  Copyright Value Added - The Game Version 2, Do-Khac Decision, 2019
[4] Agile games from around the world, L'entreprise numérique créative, 4 March 2018
[5] Two graphical tools for Agile marketing, L'entreprise numérique créative, 15 March 2019
[6] Agile marketing : the Trigger Event Model, L'entreprise numérique créative, 26 Feb. 2019
[7] A 7-features model to assess the intrinisc value of an Agile game, L'entreprise numérique créative, 3 decembre 2018 
[8] Banque de plus de 500 ateliers visuels pour transformer la DSI [ a bank of 500 visual workshops to take the IT department ti Agility at scale], Do-Khac Decision, 4 Nov 2018
[9] The Open Creative Workshop Architecture, L'entreprise numérique créative, 10 May 2019